Although I believe that resistance is the more self-righteous and valiant action, I'm sure that, with respect to the thoughts of the individual and not the community, assimilation is the right choice in the Cherokee's situation. For economical reasons and with assimilation, their economy can grow with the white's support of industry and trade. The assimilation also provides the natives with the understanding that whites have with currency. The natives did indeed lose many aspects of their culture, but with the whites advancements, they were able to learn how to read and write on their own language; consequently, their culture and history could flourish in way that it never could before. It also provided the Cherokee with the knowledge and means to create a democracy. Their leaders learned in white colleges which provided them with the resources to successfully communicate with the whites.
Now bring back the idea that we are looking at the individual cherokee's feelings, if they have natural instincts like the humans I know, love is precious. When you love something or someone, I understand "you are willing to fight for it", but the person you love, do you really want them to fight? Is a life the way you were raised worth sending yourself and your children to war? At a social standpoint, resistance will most likely create turmoil within the tribes, but also destroysa friendship that could have been harvested between the whites and natives. The leaders would become leaders because of their war experience and skill in fighting. With this mentality, how will native culture prosper anyways if it's directed to fight before create. And of course, the war would create destruction of tribes and families, lending no stability to a growing economy.
It is evident that assimilation is the logical thing to do. With passion in the hearts of the natives, I understand why some wanted to fight for their freedom. The whites were like an epidemic that would either kill you off or wound you as to never rehabilitate. The natives were morally sound for fighting, and if their spirituality rewarded morality or said that there was no after life, it was understandable that they would fight. But this is the community mentality. So here is exactly what I believe. If a leader was looking out for people, if a leader was looking out for love, or a leader was looking out for family, they would try to assimilate and look for peace. If a leader was looking out for the people and their way of life. including their heritage and future as a civilization, then they would resist.